Ole Ole Ole Format and Rules:
This is a Two-Person Stableford Format with both players teeing off denoted tees as marked on your scorecard.
O = Odd holes 1st, 3rd & 7th - both players tee off the Red Tees on these holes playing their own ball the whole way.
L = Lucky holes 2nd, 5th & 9th - Men tee off Yellow and Ladies off Red Tees - select the best tee shot; both play their second shot from there and then play their own ball to finish the hole. If selected tee shot is in the rough or bunker, ball must be dropped in same condition or may be placed on closely mown areas within the width of a scorecard, no nearer the hole.
E = Even holes 4th, 6th & 8th - both players tee off the Yellow Tees on these Even holes playing their own ball in.
Ladies will receive an increase of 1.0 on their HI to compensate playing off the Yellow Tees. Playing Handicap Allowances: Men 40 - Ladies 54
Record each players Stableford score on the scorecard - the team total will be made up of both stableford scores from each hole. All scorecards must be signed and verified before turning in to the Committee member handling scoring on the day.
The contact for this competition is Karen Stanton (07769449747)